78B-6-143. Nonidentifying health history of adoptee filed with bureau -- Limitedavailability. (1) Upon finalization of an adoption in this state, the person who proceeded on behalf ofthe petitioner for adoption, or a child-placing agency if an agency is involved in the adoption,shall file a report with the bureau, in the form established by the bureau. That report shallinclude a detailed health history, and a genetic and social history of the adoptee.
(2) The report filed under Subsection (1) may not contain any information whichidentifies the adoptee's birth parents or members of their families.
(3) When the report described in Subsection (1) is filed, a duplicate report shall beprovided to the adoptive parents.
(4) The report filed with the bureau under Subsection (1) shall only be available uponrequest, and upon presentation of positive identification, to the following persons:
(a) the adoptive parents;
(b) in the event of the death of the adoptive parents, the adoptee's legal guardian;
(c) the adoptee;
(d) in the event of the death of the adoptee, the adoptee's spouse, if the spouse is theparent or guardian of the adoptee's child;
(e) the adoptee's child or descendant;
(f) the adoptee's birth parent; and
(g) the adoptee's adult sibling.
(5) No information which identifies a birth parent or his family may be disclosed underthis section.
(6) The actual cost of providing information under this section shall be paid by theperson requesting the information.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 137, 2008 General Session