78B-6-520. Action to set aside condemnation for failure to commence or completeconstruction within reasonable time. (1) In an action to condemn property, if the court makes a finding of what is a reasonabletime for commencement of construction and use of all the property sought to be condemned andthe construction and use is not accomplished within the time specified, the condemnee may filean action against the condemnor to set aside the condemnation of the entire parcel or any portionupon which construction and use was to have taken place.
(2) In the action, if the court finds that the condemnor, without reasonable justification,did not commence or complete construction and use within the time specified, it shall enterjudgment fixing the amount the condemnor has paid the condemnee, as a result of condemnationand all amounts due the condemnee as damages sustained by reason of condemnation, includingdamages resulting from partial completion of the contemplated use, plus all reasonable andnecessary expenses actually incurred by the condemnee including attorney fees.
(3) If amounts due the condemnee under Subsection (2) exceed amounts paid by thecondemnor, or these amounts are equal, judgment shall be entered in favor of the condemnee,which judgment shall describe the property condemned and award judgment for any amounts duecondemnee. A copy of the judgment shall be filed in the office of the county recorder of thecounty, and the property described in the judgment shall vest in the condemnee.
(4) If amounts paid by the condemnor under Subsection (2) exceed amounts due thecondemnee, judgment shall be entered describing the property condemned and giving thecondemnee 60 days from the date of the judgment to pay the difference between the amounts tothe condemnor. If payment is made, the court shall amend the judgment to reflect the paymentand order the amended judgment filed with the office of the county recorder of the county, andthe property described in the judgment shall vest in the condemnee. If payment is not made, thecourt shall amend the judgment to reflect nonpayment and order the amended judgment filedwith the county recorder.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session