78B-6-805. Notice to quit -- How served. (1) The notices required by this part may be served:
(a) by delivering a copy to the tenant personally or, if the tenant is a commercial tenant,by delivering a copy to the commercial tenant's usual place of business by leaving a copy of thenotice with a person of suitable age and discretion;
(b) by sending a copy through registered or certified mail addressed to the tenant at thetenant's residence or, if the tenant is a commercial tenant, by sending a copy through registered orcertified mail addressed to the commercial tenant's usual place of business;
(c) if the tenant is absent from the residence or usual place of business, by leaving a copywith a person of suitable age and discretion at either place and mailing a copy to the tenant at thetenant's residence or place of business;
(d) if a person of suitable age or discretion cannot be found at the place of residence, thenby affixing a copy in a conspicuous place on the leased property; or
(e) if an order of abatement by eviction of the nuisance is issued by the court as providedin Section
78B-6-1109, when issued, the parties present shall be on notice that the abatement byeviction order is issued and immediately effective or as to any absent party, notice shall be givenas provided in Subsections (1)(a) through (e).
(2) Service upon a subtenant may be made in the same manner as provided in Subsection(1).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session