78B-7-109. Continuing duty to inform court of other proceedings -- Effect of otherproceedings. (1) At any hearing in a proceeding to obtain an order for protection, each party has acontinuing duty to inform the court of each proceeding for an order for protection, any civillitigation, each proceeding in juvenile court, and each criminal case involving either party,including the case name, the file number, and the county and state of the proceeding, if thatinformation is known by the party.
(2) (a) An order for protection issued pursuant to this chapter is in addition to and not inlieu of any other available civil or criminal proceeding.
(b) A petitioner is not barred from seeking a protective order because of other pendingproceedings.
(c) A court may not delay granting relief under this chapter because of the existence of apending civil action between the parties.
(3) A petitioner may omit his or her address from all documents filed with the courtunder this chapter, but shall separately provide the court with a mailing address that is not to bemade part of the public record, but that may be provided to a peace officer or entity for service ofprocess.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session