78B-8-602. Proof of ownership required to harvest or transport forest products ornative vegetation -- Requirements for proof of ownership. (1) It is unlawful for any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation, or business toharvest or transport timber, forest products, or other native vegetation without proof ofownership.
(2) Proof of ownership requires possession of:
(a) a contract, permit, or other writing issued by the landowner or proper state or federalagency;
(b) a bill of sale, or other sales receipt;
(c) a bill of lading or product load receipt;
(d) a ticket issued by the seller authorizing harvesting or removal; or
(e) any other legal instrument.
(3) The document required in Subsection (1) shall be issued by the landowner or properstate or federal agency and shall provide the following information:
(a) date of execution;
(b) name and address of person authorized to harvest or transport the products, ifdifferent from the purchaser;
(c) a legal or other sufficient description of the property from which the products areharvested or removed;
(d) the estimated amount or volume, species, and other pertinent information regardingthe products harvested or transported;
(e) the delivery or scaling point;
(f) the name and address of the purchaser of the products;
(g) the name and address of the landowner, agency, or vendor; and
(h) an expiration date.
Enacted by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session