78B-12-114. County attorney to assist obligee. (1) The county attorney's office shall provide assistance to an obligee desiring to proceedunder this chapter in the following manner:
(a) provide forms, approved by the Judicial Council of Utah, for an order of wageassignment if the obligee is not represented by legal counsel;
(b) inform the obligee of the right to file impecuniously if the obligee is unable to bearthe expenses of the action and assist the obligee with such filing;
(c) advise the obligee of the available methods for service of process; and
(d) assist the obligee in expeditiously scheduling a hearing before the court.
(2) The county attorney's office may charge a fee not to exceed $25 for providingassistance to an obligee under Subsection (1).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session