78B-12-208. Joint physical custody -- Obligation calculations. In cases of joint physical custody, the base child support award shall be determined asfollows:
(1) Combine the adjusted gross incomes of the parents and determine the base combinedchild support obligation using the base combined child support obligation table.
(2) Calculate each parent's proportionate share of the base combined child supportobligation by multiplying the base combined child support obligation by each parent's percentageof combined adjusted gross income. The amounts so calculated are the base child supportobligation due from each parent for support of the children.
(3) If the obligor's time with the children exceeds 110 overnights, the obligation shall becalculated further as follows:
(a) if the amount of time to be spent with the children is between 110 and 131overnights, multiply the number of overnights over 110 by .0027, then multiply the result by thebase combined child support obligation, and then subtract the result from the obligor's paymentas determined by Subsection (2) to arrive at the obligor's payment; or
(b) if the amount of time to be spent with the children is 131 overnights or more,multiply the number of overnights over 130 by .0084, then multiply the result by the basecombined child support obligation, and then subtract the result from the obligor's payment asdetermined in Subsection (3)(a) to arrive at the obligor's payment.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session