78B-12-213. Determination of parental liability. (1) The district court or administrative agency may issue an order determining theamount of a parent's liability for medical expenses of a dependent child when the parent:
(a) is required by a prior court or administrative order to:
(i) share those expenses with the other parent of the dependent child; or
(ii) obtain insurance for medical expenses but fails to do so; or
(b) receives direct payment from an insurer under insurance coverage obtained after theprior court or administrative order was issued.
(2) If the prior court or administrative order does not specify what proportions of theexpenses are to be shared, the district court may determine the amount of liability as may bereasonable and necessary.
(3) This section applies to an order without regard to when it was issued.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session