78B-15-306. Proceeding for rescission. (1) A signatory may rescind a declaration of paternity or denial of paternity by filing avoluntary rescission document with the Office of Vital Records in a form prescribed by the officebefore the earlier of:
(a) 60 days after the effective date of the declaration or denial, as provided in Sections
78B-15-303 and
78B-15-304; or
(b) the date of notice of the first adjudicative proceeding to which the signatory is aparty, before a tribunal to adjudicate an issue relating to the child, including a proceeding thatestablishes support.
(2) Upon receiving a voluntary rescission document from a signatory under Subsection(1), the Office of Vital Records shall provide notice of the rescission, by mail, to the othersignatory at the last-known address of that signatory.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session