78B-15-807. Parentage under validated gestational agreement. (1) Upon birth of a child to a gestational mother, the intended parents shall file noticewith the tribunal that a child has been born to the gestational mother within 300 days afterassisted reproduction. Thereupon, the tribunal shall issue an order:
(a) confirming that the intended parents are the parents of the child;
(b) if necessary, ordering that the child be surrendered to the intended parents; and
(c) directing the Office of Vital Records to issue a birth certificate naming the intendedparents as parents of the child.
(2) If the parentage of a child born to the gestational mother is in dispute as not the resultof an assisted reproduction, the tribunal shall order genetic testing to determine the parentage ofthe child.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session