79-2-204. Division directors -- Appointment -- Removal -- Jurisdiction of executivedirector. (1) (a) The chief administrative officer of a division within the department is a directorappointed by the executive director with the concurrence of the board having policy authority forthe division.
(b) The director of a division may be removed from office by the executive director.
(c) The appointment and term of office of the state engineer, notwithstanding anything tothe contrary contained in this section, shall be in accordance with Section
(2) (a) The executive director has administrative jurisdiction over a division director forthe purpose of implementing department policy as established by the division's board.
(b) The executive director may:
(i) consolidate personnel and service functions in the divisions to effectuate efficiencyand economy in the operations of the department;
(ii) establish a departmental services division to perform service functions; and
(iii) employ law enforcement officers and special function officers within the departmentthat have all of the powers of a conservation officer and law enforcement officer, with theexception of the power to serve civil process.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session