79-4-404. Zion National Park Support Programs Restricted Account -- Creation --Funding -- Distribution of funds. (1) There is created within the General Fund the Zion National Park Support ProgramsRestricted Account.
(2) The account shall be funded by:
(a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section
(b) private contributions; or
(c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
(3) The Legislature shall appropriate funds in the account to the division.
(4) The board may expend up to 10% of the money appropriated under Subsection (3) toadminister account distributions in accordance with Subsections (5) and (6).
(5) The division shall distribute contributions to one or more organizations that:
(a) are exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal RevenueCode;
(b) operate under a written agreement with the National Park Service to provideinterpretive, educational, and research activities for the benefit of Zion National Park;
(c) produce and distribute educational and promotional materials on Zion National Park;
(d) conduct educational courses on the history and ecosystem of the greater Zion Canyonarea; and
(e) provide other programs that enhance visitor appreciation and enjoyment of ZionNational Park.
(6) (a) An organization described in Subsection (5) may apply to the division to receive adistribution in accordance with Subsection (5).
(b) An organization that receives a distribution from the division in accordance withSubsection (5) shall expend the distribution only to:
(i) produce and distribute educational and promotional materials on Zion National Park;
(ii) conduct educational courses on the history and ecosystem of the greater Zion Canyonarea; and
(iii) provide other programs that enhance visitor appreciation and enjoyment of ZionNational Park.
(c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedivision may make rules providing procedures and requirements for an organization to apply tothe division to receive a distribution under Subsection (5).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session