79-5-501. Grants -- Matching funds requirements -- Rules. (1) (a) The board may give grants to federal government agencies, state agencies, or localgovernments for the planning, acquisition, and development of trails within the state'srecreational trail system with funds appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose.
(b) (i) Each grant recipient must provide matching funds having a value that is equal toor greater than the grant funds received.
(ii) The board may allow a grant recipient to provide property, material, or labor in lieuof money, provided the grant recipient's contribution has a value that is equal to or greater thanthe grant funds received.
(2) The board shall:
(a) make rules setting forth procedures and criteria for the awarding of grants forrecreational trails; and
(b) determine to whom grant funds shall be awarded after considering therecommendations of and after consulting with the council and the division.
(3) Rules for the awarding of grants for recreational trails shall provide that:
(a) each grant applicant must solicit public comment on the proposed recreational trailand submit a summary of that comment to the division;
(b) each trail project for which grant funds are awarded must conform to the criteria andguidelines specified in Sections
79-5-301, and
79-5-302; and
(c) trail proposals that include a plan to provide employment opportunities for youth,including at-risk youth, in the development of the trail is encouraged.
(4) As used in this section, "at-risk youth" means youth who:
(a) are subject to environmental forces, such as poverty or family dysfunction, that maymake them vulnerable to family, school, or community problems;
(b) perform poorly in school or have failed to complete high school;
(c) exhibit behaviors that have the potential to harm themselves or others in thecommunity, such as truancy, use of alcohol or drugs, and associating with delinquent peers; or
(d) have already engaged in behaviors harmful to themselves or others in the community.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session