TITLE 3ExecutiveAppendix Executive OrdersCHAPTER 3. EXECUTIVEExecutive Order No. 3-46.(No. 06-05)[Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]
WHEREAS, the Governor has the power under 3 V.S.A., chapter 41 to alter the organization of the Executive Branch through use of the Executive Order; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Order has been used over the years for a variety of purposes, including the creation of certain boards, councils and commissions, and the reorganization of the Executive Branch; and
WHEREAS, these orders are of continuous effect unless expressly limited in duration, or revoked, rescinded or superseded; and
WHEREAS, certain executive orders are either no longer useful, no longer effective, or have been superseded by legislative enactment, and yet remain in existence.
NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby revoke and rescind the following Executive Orders:
Executive Order #3-1 (formerly 13-69) dated October 17, 1969 (Planning & Community Service Agency);
Executive Order #3-4 (formerly 21-78) dated August 25, 1978 (Transfer of Utility Driver Position from Agency of Human Services to Purchasing Division, Agency of Administration);
Executive Order #3-5 (formerly 32-79) dated July 2, 1979 (Transfer of Clerk B Position from Office of Secretary of State to Division of Public Records, Agency of Administration);
Executive Order #3-10 (formerly 20-86) dated April 10, 1986 (Governor's Commission on Women);
Executive Order #3-11 (formerly 35-87) dated August 6, 1987 (Abolition of Certain Departments and Divisions and Establishment of the Department of General Services and Department of Finance & Management);
Executive Order #3-12 (formerly 36-87) dated January 14, 1987 (Transfer of Certain Positions and Appropriations from Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Water Resources to Department of Labor & Industry);
Executive Order #3-13 (formerly 45-87) dated July 7, 1987 (Transfer of Certain Positions, Functions and Appropriations of Certain Agencies and the Central Support Services Revolving Fund to Department of General Services);
Executive Order #3-16 (formerly 1-91) dated January 15, 1991 (Transfer of Duties and Director of Office of Economic Opportunity From Agency of Human Services to Department of Prevention, Assistance, Transition, and Health Access);
Executive Order #3-17 (formerly 2-91) dated January 15, 1991 (Transfer of Duties Relating to Public Drinking Water Program and Positions and Equipment of Division of Environmental Health from Department of Health to Department of Environmental Conservation);
Executive Order #3-22 (formerly 3A-92) dated June 15, 1992 (Recognition, Structure and Powers of Vermont Center for Geographic Information and Transfer of Functions from Geographic Information Services);
Executive Order #3-28 (formerly 11-94) dated October 20, 1994 (Reimbursement for Members of the Governor's Commission on Women);
Executive Order #10-1 (formerly 25-70) dated June 1, 1970 (Environmental Conservation Agency);
Executive Order #10-2 (formerly 26-70) dated July 1, 1970 (Transfer of Functions Relating to Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Radiation Pollution, Waste Disposal and Granting Permits to Environmental Conservation Agency);
Executive Order #10-3 (formerly 29-71) dated January 14, 1971 (Transfer of Tourist Information and Outdoor Advertising Functions to Agency of Development and Community Affairs);
Executive Order #10-4 (formerly 34-71) dated April 15, 1971 (Transfer of Funds to Agency of Development and Community Affairs);
Executive Order #10-5 (formerly 43-71) dated October 6, 1971 (Transfer of Functions Relating to Industrial Hygiene and Ionizing Radiation to Department of Health);
Executive Order #10-6 (formerly 10a-77) dated September 27, 1977 (Transfer of Duties and Functions of Division of Outdoor Advertising);
Executive Order #10-7 (formerly 61-81) dated August 26, 1981 (Transfer of Division of Protection, Agency of Environmental Conservation to Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering);
Executive Order #10-11 (formerly 71-89) dated January 13, 1989 (Transfer of Authority to Administer Solid Waste Grant Programs from Secretary of Development and Community Affairs to Secretary of Natural Resources);
Executive Order #10-12 (formerly 84-90) dated January 22, 1990 (Designation of Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of Housing And Community Affairs as Agencies to Administer 10 V.S.A. Chapter 153);
Executive Order #16-1 (formerly 11-93) dated October 14, 1993 (Identification of Vermont Higher Education Council as Postsecondary Review Entity);
Executive Order #16-3 (formerly 13-94) dated November 21, 1994 (Vermont Goals 2000 Commission);
Executive Order #17-1 (formerly 21-86) dated April 17, 1986 (Provision of Nonpartisan Voter Registration Services by State Agencies);
Executive Order #18-5 (formerly 14-91) dated November 26, 1991 (Rabies Task Force);
Executive Order #18-8 (formerly 03-94) dated February 9, 1994 (Drug Policy Cabinet);
Executive Order #19-1 (formerly 12-91) dated November 21, 1991 (Functions of Division of Planning, Agency of Transportation;
Executive Order #19-2 (formerly 04-94) dated April 6, 1994 (Designation of Agency of Transportation as Administrator of the Highway Safety Program);
Executive Order #20-4 (formerly 58-88) dated January 29, 1988 (Veterans' Advisory Council);
Executive Order #21-1 (formerly 36-70) dated September 1, 1970 (Transfer of Funds and Responsibilities for Program of Day Care Services for Children of Working Mothers and Guardians);
Executive Order #21-2 (formerly 55-81) dated January 13, 1981 (Administration of Comprehensive Employment and Training Office);
Executive Order #21-3 (formerly 4-85) dated April 18, 1985 (Wage Rates on Rouse's Point Bridge Project);
Executive Order #21-4 (formerly 02-93) dated January 21, 1993 (Governor's Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation);
Executive Order #21-7 (formerly 06-01) dated September 21, 2001 (Transfer of the Division of Occupational Health from the Department of Health to the Department of Labor and Industry);
Executive Order #23-1 (formerly 20-70) dated April 27, 1970 (Truck Permit Section);
Executive Order #30-1 (formerly 30-76) dated May 12, 1976 (Department of Bus, Rail, Waterways and Motor Carrier Services);
Executive Order #33-1 (formerly 3-73) dated January 12, 1973 (Cash Recipients of Social Services);
Executive Order #33-2 (formerly 2-77) dated January 14, 1977 (Licensing & Regulation Division, Human Services Agency);
Executive Order #33-3 (formerly 19-78) dated June 30, 1978 (Positions Transferred to Agency of Human Services);
Executive Order #33-4 (formerly 28-79) dated March 2, 1979 (Work Incentive Program);
Executive Order #33-5 (formerly 33-79) dated July 2, 1979 (Transfer of Typist C Position from Secretary of State to Division of Vital Statistics, Department of Health, Agency of Human Services);
Executive Order #33-6 (formerly 40-79) dated September 28, 1979 (Transfer of Van, Utility Driver and Mail Clerk A from Agency of Administration, Division of Purchasing, to Agency of Human Services, Central Office);
Executive Order #33-8 (formerly 48-87) dated July 17, 1987 (Vermont Housing Roundtable).
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.
Dated September 13, 2005.