§ 61. Restrictions; exceptions
A person, partnership, association or corporation shall not furnish or sell, or expose or keep with intent to sell, any malt or vinous beverage, or spirits, or manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, prescribe, furnish or possess any alcohol, except as authorized by this title. However, this chapter shall not apply to the furnishing of such beverages or spirits by a person in his private dwelling, unless to an habitual drunkard, or unless such dwelling becomes a place of public resort, nor to the sale of fermented cider by the barrel or cask of not less than 32 liquid gallons capacity, provided the same is delivered and removed from the vendor's premises in such barrel or cask at the time of such sale, nor to the use of sacramental wine, nor to the furnishing, purchase, sale, barter, transportation, importation, exportation, delivery, prescription, or possession of alcohol for manufacturing, mechanical, medicinal, and scientific purposes, provided the same is done under and in accordance with rules and regulations made and permits issued by the liquor control board as hereinafter provided.