§ 4082. Blanket insurance; policy contents
No such policy shall contain any provision relative to notice of claim, proofs of loss, time of payment of claims, or time within which legal action must be brought upon the policy which, in the opinion of the commissioner, is less favorable to the persons insured than would be permitted by the provisions set forth in section 4065 of this title. An individual application shall not be required from a person covered under a blanket health policy or contract, nor shall it be necessary for the insurer to furnish each person a certificate. All benefits under any blanket health policy shall, unless for hospital and physician service or surgical benefits, be payable to the person insured, or to his or her designated beneficiary or beneficiaries, or to his or her estate, except that if the person insured be a minor, such benefits may be made payable to his or her parent, guardian, or other person actually supporting him or her. Nothing contained in this section or section 4081 of this title shall be deemed to affect the legal liability of policyholders for the death of, or injury to, any such members of such group.