§ 4084. Advertising practices
No company doing business in this state, and no insurance agent or broker shall use in connection with the solicitation of health insurance any advertising copy or advertising practice or any plan of solicitation which is materially misleading or deceptive. An advertising copy or advertising practice or plan of solicitation shall be considered to be materially misleading or deceptive if by implication or otherwise it transmits information in such manner or of such substance that a prospective applicant for health insurance may be misled thereby to his or her material damage. If the commissioner finds that any such advertising copy or advertising practice or plan of solicitation is materially misleading or deceptive he or she shall order the company or the agent or broker using such copy or practice or plan to cease and desist from such use. Before making any such finding and order, the commissioner shall give notice, not less than 10 days in advance, and a hearing to the company, agent, or broker affected. If the commissioner finds, after due notice and hearing, that any authorized insurer, licensed insurance agent, or licensed insurance broker has wilfully violated any such order to cease and desist he or she may suspend or revoke the license of such insurer, agent or broker.