§ 4902. Disclosure and public information
(a) The commissioner shall make such rules as he considers necessary or desirable for the full, fair and uniform disclosure and conveyance of useful information to consumers of insurance.
(b) The rules may include requirements that for each or any insurance policy sold or offered for sale in this state an insurer shall prepare and provide or cause to be provided to the policyholder, buyer or prospective buyer a disclosure statement containing:
(1) a clear and concise outline summarizing and clarifying important features of the policy;
(2) information on cost and on return to or on behalf of policyholders;
(3) such other information which the commissioner considers appropriate to further the purposes of or reduce violations of chapter 129 of this title; and
(4) a statement that the outline is a summary of the policy or contract issued or applied for and that the policy or contract should be consulted to determine governing contractual provisions.
(c) The commissioner shall by rule establish standards for the format, content and distribution of disclosure statements and any other informational materials he considers necessary or desirable to promote the purposes of this section. (Added 1975, No. 36.)