§ 328. Creation of the sustainable jobs fund program
(a) There is created a sustainable jobs fund program to create quality jobs that are compatible with Vermont's natural and social environment.
(b) The Vermont economic development authority shall incorporate a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the provisions of section 216(14) of this title to administer the sustainable jobs fund program, and to fulfill the purposes of this chapter by means of loans or grants to eligible applicants for eligible activities, provided that any funds contributed to the program by the authority under subsection (c) of this section shall be used for lending purposes only.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 216(14) of this title, the authority may contribute not more than $1,000,000.00 to the capital of the corporation formed under this section, and the board of directors of the corporation formed under this section shall consist of three members of the authority designated by the authority, the secretary of commerce and community development, and seven members who are not officials or employees of a governmental agency appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, for terms of five years, except that the governor shall stagger initial appointments so that the terms of no more than two members expire during a calendar year.
(d) The Vermont economic development authority may hire or assign a program director to administer, manage, and direct the affairs and business of the board, subject to the policies, control, and direction of the corporation formed under this section.
(e) Annually, on or before May 30, the sustainable jobs fund program shall submit a grant application and proposed work plan to the secretary of commerce and community development who in consultation with the department of economic development shall review the application to assure that it complements the goals and priorities of the department. The secretary at any time may request the sustainable jobs fund program to submit information that the secretary determines necessary or desirable to consider the annual application, assess the effectiveness of the grant, or carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(f) The Vermont sustainable jobs fund program shall work collaboratively with the agency of agriculture, food and markets to assist the Vermont slaughterhouse industry in supporting its efforts at productivity and sustainability. (Added 1995, No. 46, § 15, eff. April 20, 1995; amended 1995, No. 190 (Adj. Sess.), § 1(b); 2003, No. 122 (Adj. Sess.), § 225.)