§ 1386. Implementation plan for the lake champlain total maximum daily load plan
(a) On or before January 15, 2010, the secretary of natural resources shall issue a revised Vermont-specific implementation plan for the Lake Champlain TMDL. Beginning January 15, 2013, and every four years thereafter, the secretary of natural resources shall amend and update the Vermont-specific implementation plan for the Lake Champlain TMDL. Prior to issuing, amending, or updating the implementation plan, the secretary shall consult with the agency of agriculture, food and markets, all statewide environmental organizations that express an interest in the plan, the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, all business organizations that express an interest in the plan, the University of Vermont Rubenstein ecosystem science laboratory, and other interested parties. The implementation plan shall include a comprehensive strategy for implementing the Lake Champlain total maximum daily load (TMDL) plan and for the remediation of Lake Champlain. The implementation plan shall be issued as a document separate from the Lake Champlain TMDL. The implementation plan shall:
(1) Include or reference the elements set forth in 40 C.F.R. § 130.6(c) for water quality management plans;
(2) Comply with the requirements of section 1258 of this title and administer a permit program to manage discharges to Lake Champlain consistent with the federal Clean Water Act;
(3) Develop a process for identifying critical source areas for non-point source pollution in each subwatershed. As used in this subdivision, "critical source area" means an area in a watershed with high potential for the release, discharge, or runoff of phosphorus to the waters of the state;
(4) Develop site-specific plans to reduce point source and non-point source load discharges in critical source areas identified under subdivision (3) of this subsection;
(5) Develop a method for identifying and prioritizing on public and private land pollution control projects with the potential to provide the greatest water quality benefits to Lake Champlain;
(6) Develop a method of accounting for changes in phosphorus loading to Lake Champlain due to implementation of the TMDL and other factors;
(7) Develop phosphorus reduction targets related to phosphorus reduction for each water quality program and for each segment of Lake Champlain, including benchmarks for phosphorus reduction that shall be achieved. The implementation plan shall explain the methodology used to develop phosphorus reduction targets under this subdivision;
(8) Establish a method for the coordination and collaboration of water quality programs within the state;
(9) Develop a method for offering incentives or disincentives to wastewater treatment plants for maintaining the 2006 levels of phosphorus discharge to Lake Champlain;
(10) Develop a method of offering incentives or disincentives for reducing the phosphorus contribution of stormwater discharges within the Lake Champlain basin.
(b) In amending the Vermont-specific implementation plan of the Lake Champlain TMDL under this section, the secretary of natural resources shall comply with the public participation requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 130.7(c)(1)(ii).
(c) On or before January 15, 2010, the secretary of natural resources shall report to the house committee on fish, wildlife and water resources, the senate committee on natural resources, and the house and senate committees on agriculture with a summary of the contents of and the process leading to the adoption under subsection (a) of this section of the implementation plan for the Lake Champlain TMDL. On or before January 15, 2013, and every four years thereafter, the secretary shall report to the house committee on fish, wildlife and water resources, the senate committee on natural resources, and the house and senate committees on agriculture with the amendments or revisions to the implementation plan for the Lake Champlain TMDL required by subsection (a) of this section. Prior to issuing a report required by this subsection, the secretary shall hold at least three public hearings in the Lake Champlain watershed to describe the amendments and revisions to the implementation plan for the Lake Champlain TMDL. The secretary shall prepare a responsiveness summary for each public hearing. Beginning January 15, 2013, a report required by this subsection shall include:
(1) An assessment of the implementation plan for the Lake Champlain TMDL based on available data, including an evaluation of the efficacy of the implementation plan;
(2) An assessment of the hydrologic base period used to determine the phosphorus-loading capacities for the Lake Champlain TMDL based on available data, including an evaluation of the adequacy of the hydrologic base period for the TMDL;
(3) Recommendations, if any, for amending the implementation plan or reopening the Lake Champlain TMDL.
(d) Beginning February 1, 2009 and annually thereafter, the secretary shall submit to the house committee on fish, wildlife and water resources, the senate committee on natural resources and energy, and the house and senate committees on agriculture a clean and clear program summary reporting on activities and measures of progress for each program supported by funding under the Clean and Clear Action Plan. (Added 2007, No. 130 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 12, 2008.)