§ 2796. Redemption-Bond; writ of possession; accounting by purchaser for rents and profits
When real estate is sold on execution, the debtor or person claiming under him may redeem the same at any time within six months from the date of such sale. He shall file a bond within ten days after such sale with the clerk of the court or magistrate who issued such execution, to the purchaser, in a penal sum that the clerk or magistrate shall order, conditioned in case he does not redeem the property to pay the purchaser the fair rents and profits of such premises and commit no waste on the same, which bond shall be approved by the clerk or magistrate. When the debtor fails to file the bond as aforesaid, the purchaser may have his writ of possession from the clerk or magistrate, and may enter and take possession and manage such real estate in a good husbandlike manner. If the defendant in such action shall redeem the same, the purchaser shall account for the fair value of the rents and profits thereof, until the same shall be redeemed.