§ 7110. Hearing procedure
A youth court hearing shall be conducted in the presence, and with the advice, of at least two adult members of the board, including one board member who is an attorney and one who is not an attorney. Neither the Windsor county state's attorney nor an employee of the Windsor county state's attorney's office may be present at the hearing. At least one representative of Windsor county court diversion may also be present to monitor the hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to determine the disposition of the child pursuant to the options set forth in section 7104 of this title. The youth court hearing shall be conducted according to the rules of procedure that are adopted under section 7105 of this title. Attendance at a youth court hearing shall be restricted to the child, if requested an attorney representing the child, the participating youth court officers, including the youth court judge, prosecutor, defense counsel and jurors, witnesses, the adult advisors, the court diversion monitor and the parents or legal guardians of the child. (Added 1995, No. 18, § 1.)