§ 7262. Travel expenses
(a) Any person extradited to the state of Vermont on the basis of one or more criminal offenses alleged to have been committed in the state of Vermont against whom all charges are subsequently dismissed, either by the state's attorney or the attorney general due to insufficient evidence or by the court on the basis of the state's failure to establish a prima facie case, may be compensated for travel-related expenses necessary to return to the place from which the person was extradited.
(b) The court shall hear the defendant's request for travel-related expenses, as related to subsection (a) of this section, as soon as possible after dismissal and may order that such payment be made forthwith as the court in its discretion deems appropriate.
(c) Payments so ordered shall be made from the amount appropriated to the attorney general for extraditions. (Added 1981, No. 74.)