§ 2402. Probate court may appoint trustees; duties
(a) When, under the provisions of a will probated in another state or country, or of a decree of a court of another state or country, a devise, legacy, gift or trust belongs to or for the benefit of a class or classes of beneficiaries in this state, whose members are not all ascertained or definitely ascertainable, or is appropriated or devoted to any purpose or benefit in which the public or a class of the public in this state is interested, the probate court may appoint one or more trustees to take charge of the payment and distribution of the devise, legacy, gift or trust under the will or decree.
(b) The trustee or trustees shall give bonds and render accounts annually of all transactions to the probate court and shall be subject to the same liabilities, and the court shall have the same power as in case of other trustees appointed by the probate court. (Amended 1985, No. 144 (Adj. Sess.), § 114.)