§ 202. Penalty for desertion or nonsupport
A married person who, without just cause, shall desert or wilfully neglect or refuse to provide for the support and maintenance of his or her spouse and children, leaving them in destitute or necessitous circumstances or a parent who, without lawful excuse, shall desert or wilfully neglect or refuse to provide for the support and maintenance of his child or an adult child possessed of sufficient pecuniary or physical ability to support his parents, who unreasonably neglects or refuses to provide such support when the parent is destitute, unable to support himself and resident in this state, shall be imprisoned not more than two years or fined not more than $300.00, or both. Should a fine be imposed, the court may order the same to be paid in whole or in part to the needy spouse, parent or to the guardian, custodian or trustee of the child. (Amended 1973, No. 201 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)