§ 706a. Approval of study budget; appointment of study committee
(a) If the proposed budget established in section 706 of this chapter exceeds $25,000.00, then:
(1) The voters of each participating district shall be warned to meet at an annual or special school district meeting to vote on a question in substantially the following form: "Shall the school district of ................................ appropriate funds necessary to support the district's financial share of a study to determine the advisability of forming a union school district with some or all of the following school districts: ................................/t? It is estimated that the district's share, if all the above-listed districts vote to participate, will be $......................................... The total proposed budget, to be shared by all participating districts, is $..........." It is not necessary for the voters of each participating district to vote on the same date to establish a union school district study committee.
(2) If the vote is in the affirmative in two or more districts, the boards of the participating districts shall appoint a study committee consisting of the number of persons previously fixed. At least one school director from each participating district shall be on the committee. A district board may appoint residents to the committee who are not school directors.
(3) The sums expended for study purposes under this section shall be considered a part of the approved cost of any project in which the district participates pursuant to sections 3447 through 3449 of this title.
(b) If the proposed budget established in section 706 of this chapter does not exceed $25,000.00, then the boards of the participating districts shall appoint a study committee consisting of the number of persons previously fixed. At least one school director from each participating district shall be on the committee. A district board may appoint residents who are not school directors to the committee. The sums expended for study purposes under this section shall be considered a part of the approved cost of any project in which the district participates pursuant to sections 3447 through 3449 of this title. (Added 1967, No. 277 (Adj. Sess.), § 7; amended 2007, No. 154 (Adj. Sess.), § 22.)