§ 5310. Plats
An agency engaged in any business of a cemetery, community mausoleum or columbarium shall cause to be made a plat of its grounds, showing the part thereof improved or in use, and that part held for future cemetery use. The plat of the improved part shall show the land laid out in sections, lots, driveways, walks and paths, sections to be designated by symbols, and the lots shall be numbered. All additions to such improved areas, and all new cemetery grounds hereafter established, shall be platted in the manner provided above. It is further provided that in case of a community mausoleum or columbarium, every agency shall cause to be made a plat thereof on which shall be set forth the sections, halls, rooms, corridors, elevators or other subdivisions thereof with their descriptive names and numbers. The agency making such plat shall file the same for record in the office of the town clerk of the town in which the cemetery, community mausoleum or columbarium is located.