§ 8723. Department of disabilities, aging, and independent living; duties
The department shall plan, coordinate, administer, monitor, and evaluate state and federally funded services for people with developmental disabilities and their families within Vermont. The department of disabilities, aging, and independent living shall be responsible for coordinating the efforts of all agencies and services, government and private, on a statewide basis in order to promote and improve the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Within the limits of available resources, the department shall:
(1) Promote the principles stated in section 8724 of this title and shall carry out all functions, powers and duties required by this chapter by collaborating and consulting with people with developmental disabilities, their families, guardians, community resources, organizations and people who provide services throughout the state.
(2) Develop and maintain an equitably and efficiently allocated statewide system of community based services that reflect the choices and needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families.
(3) Acquire and administer funding for these services and identify needed resources and legislation.
(4) Establish a statewide procedure for applying for services.
(5) Facilitate or provide pre-service or in-service training and technical assistance to service providers consistent with the system of care plan.
(6) Provide quality assessment and quality improvement support for the services provided throughout the state.
(7) Encourage the establishment and development of locally administered and locally controlled nonprofit services for people with developmental disabilities based on the specific needs of individuals and their families.
(8) Promote and facilitate participation by people with developmental disabilities and their families in activities and choices that affect their lives and in designing services that reflect their unique needs, strengths and cultural values.
(9) Promote positive images and public awareness of people with developmental disabilities and their families.
(10) Certify services that are paid for by the department.
(11) Establish a procedure for investigation and resolution of complaints regarding the availability, quality and responsiveness of services provided throughout the state. (Added 1995, No. 174 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 2005, No. 174 (Adj. Sess.), § 46.)