§ 4025. Regulation of the sale of poisonous drugs
A person other than a registered pharmacist or physician, who sells or keeps for sale arsenic, corrosive sublimate, chloroform, aconite, strychnine, morphine, opium, cocaine, eucaine, heroin, carbolic acid, prussic acid, paregoric, chloral hydrate, belladonna, cyanide potassium, digitalis, nux vomica or any salts, solutions, extracts or tinctures of such drugs, shall keep and offer them for sale only in original and sealed packages or bottles which shall have been prepared by a registered pharmacist or manufacturing chemist, and under a label on which shall be plainly printed the name and nature of the drug therein contained, the proper antidote to be given when taken in dangerous or poisonous quantities and the name of the pharmacist, manufacturing chemist or wholesale house that prepared or put up the same, with the name of the place where it was manufactured or prepared for sale. A person who sells any of such drugs shall have affixed to the bottle, box or wrapper containing the article sold, a label of white paper upon which shall be printed in red letters, the name and place of business of the vendor, and the words "Poison" and "Antidote." The label shall also contain the name of an antidote, if any, for the poison sold.