§ 4303. Special provisions
Subject to the provisions of this subchapter, an establishment shall be constructed, maintained and operated with strict regard for the health of the employees and for the purity and wholesomeness of the food therein produced, kept, stored, handled, served or distributed, so far as may be reasonable and necessary in the public interest and consistent with the character of the establishment, pursuant to the following general requirements:
(1) The entire establishment and its immediate appertaining premises, including the fixtures and furnishings, the machinery, apparatus, implements, utensils, receptacles, vehicles and other devices used in the production, keeping, storing, handling, serving or distributing of the food, or the materials used in the food, shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in a clean, sanitary and healthful manner;
(2) The food and the materials used in the food shall be protected from any foreign or injurious contamination which may render them unfit for human consumption;
(3) The clothing, habits and conduct of the employees shall be conducive to and promote cleanliness, sanitation and healthfulness;
(4) There shall be proper, suitable and adequate toilets and lavatories, constructed, maintained and operated in a clean, sanitary and healthful manner;
(5) There shall be proper, suitable and adequate light, ventilation, drainage and plumbing.