§ 40. Vermont bridge maintenance program
The Vermont bridge maintenance program is hereby created. The objective of the program is to maximize the useful life of Vermont's bridges at least cost through a systematic program of asset management which will eliminate avoidable deterioration costs and maximize the availability of resources for all transportation purposes. The following types of projects shall be eligible for funding from the bridge maintenance program:
(1) Bridge painting, particularly projects that will remove lead-based paints and improve the protective capacity of the structural steel coatings system;
(2) Deck membrane replacements of deteriorating membranes with new higher performance membranes and pavement;
(3) Deck replacements of structurally deficient decks where the remaining structural components of the bridge are in fair to good condition;
(4) Large culvert rehabilitation, including the insertion of culvert linings to extend the useful life of large culverts; and
(5) Substructure repairs where deterioration has affected the structural stability of the bridge. (Added 2005, No. 80, § 57.)