§ 1108. Injuring highway
(a) A person who wantonly or wilfully injures a highway, or a bridge, or any of their components by destroying or removing planks, posts, timber, stones, or asphalt surface, or by digging pits for gravel, clay or for other purpose, shall forfeit to the town or state, to be expended in repairing highways, not more than $100.00 plus actual costs of repairing damage to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the town or state, with costs.
(b) A person who injures a public highway by obstructing or diverting a stream, watercourse or sluice, or by dragging logs or timber or any other objects on the road surface, shall be fined not more than $100.00 for each offense. The person shall be further liable to the town or state for the damage to the highway, to be recovered in a civil action, in the name of the town or state.
(c) A person guilty of an offense prohibited in this section, besides the penalty, shall be liable to the town or state, or to any individual, in a civil action, for damages sustained by either in consequence of the acts prohibited, with costs. (Added 1985, No. 269 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)