§ 1511. Town approval of projects on the state highway system
(a) If a planned highway project is located completely within one town or is located in more than one town and in the event the voters of one of the towns at an annual or special meeting which has been warned, vote against that project within one year after the corridor and/or corridor/design hearing, the project shall be suspended by the transportation agency and the facts related to the project with appropriate recommendations shall be reported to the board for its review. The board shall make its report with recommendations to the legislature which shall order either completion or discontinuance of the project.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section do not apply to any project which:
(1) has been the subject of a corridor or corridor/design hearing prior to May 1, 1982; or
(2) was specifically designated for preliminary design, right-of-way acquisition and/or construction by the legislature prior to May 1, 1982. (Added 1985, No. 269 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)