§ 481. Duties generally
The quartermaster general shall keep in good repair, and attend to the preservation, safekeeping and cleaning of the ordnance, arms, accoutrements, ammunition, munitions of war and implements of every description, the property of the state or issued to the state by the federal government, and shall have the control and disposition of the same for that purpose, subject to the orders of the commander in chief. He shall designate, under the direction of the commander in chief, such kind of arms to be received from the United States as are deemed necessary for the military service of this state and dispose of the arms, ammunition, accoutrements, tools, implements and warlike stores of every kind, the property of the state, deemed unsuitable for use, and from time to time, render an account of sales made by him, and pay the proceeds into the state treasury. He shall make provisions for the care and preservation of the buildings and grounds used in connection with the national guard.