§ 942b. Expenses of military courts
(a) The expense incident to and connected with the holding of military courts in this state under this chapter shall be paid out of the general fund under orders, rules and regulations issued by the adjutant general with the approval of the governor.
(b) All fines levied and collected under this section shall be paid to the state of Vermont for deposit in the state general fund.
(c) For each day of duty as a member of a general court-martial, or as a witness under summons from the president or judge advocate of the court, officers and men shall be paid as provided in section 603 of this title.
(d) The presiding officer, or recorder of a military board appointed to conduct an investigation or survey, or an officer detailed for that purpose may administer oaths to any witness attending to testify in the investigation.
(e) All expenses incident to conduct of military boards shall be paid for upon proper vouchers drawn against the state general fund.
(f) If a member of the national guard is prosecuted by civil or criminal action for an act performed or committed by him or an act caused, ordered or directed by him to be done or performed in furtherance of and while in the performance of his military duty, the expenses of the defense of the action, civil or criminal, including attorney fees, witness fees for the defense, defendant's court costs and all costs for transcripts of records and abstracts on appeal by the defense, shall be paid out of the state general fund. (Added 1973, No. 223 (Adj. Sess.), § 14, eff. April 4, 1974.)