§ 497a. Committee established
There is hereby established a permanent committee to be known as the Vermont governor's committee on employment of people with disabilities, to consist of 21 members, including a representative of the Vermont employment service division, one representative of the vocational rehabilitation division of the department of disabilities, aging, and independent living, one representative of the veterans' administration, one representative of the veterans' employment service and 17 members to be appointed by the governor. The appointive members shall hold office for the term specified or until their successors are named by the governor. The members shall receive no salary for their services as such, but the necessary expenses of the committee shall be paid by the state. Those persons acting as said committee on June 29, 1963 shall continue as such until their successors are appointed as herein provided. (1963, No. 200, § 2, eff. June 29, 1963; amended 1991, No. 168 (Adj. Sess.), § 3; 2005, No. 174 (Adj. Sess.), § 51.)