§ 1804. Research and testing-Article IV
The commission shall have power to:
(a) Collect, correlate, analyze and evaluate information resulting or derivable from research and testing activities in equipment and related fields.
(b) Recommend and encourage the undertaking of research and testing in any aspect of equipment or related matters when, in its judgment, appropriate or sufficient research or testing has not been undertaken.
(c) Contract for such equipment research and testing as one or more governmental agencies may agree to have contracted for by the commission, provided that such governmental agency or agencies shall make available the funds necessary for such research and testing.
(d) Recommend to the party states changes in law or policy with emphasis on uniformity of laws and administrative rules, regulations or codes which would promote effective governmental action or coordination in the prevention of equipment-related highway accidents or the mitigation of equipment-related highway safety problems. (1963, No. 194, § 1.)