§ 1-516. Powers and duties
(a) Except as otherwise provided, the school commissioners, elected as herein before provided, shall have the same duties, powers and liabilities prescribed for school directors of town school districts. They shall compose the board of school commissioners of the City of Barre School District, with the same duties, powers and liabilities of the board of school directors of a town school district. The board of school commissioners shall consist of nine (9) members; three (3) members serving for each of the three (3) wards of the city and each term to be for a three-year period.
(b) The board of school commissioners shall have the care and custody of all the property belonging to, or used for, the public schools located in the city. Payments due or to become due on bonds and interest thereon, used by the city of Barre for school purposes, shall be paid by the City of Barre School District.
(c) No later than 45 days prior to the annual meeting date each year, the board of school commissioners shall present to the city council its budget requests for the next fiscal year.
(d) The board shall appoint from among its members, a clerk who shall have the same duties and responsibilities as prescribed by statute. (Amended 2005, No. M-7, § 7.)