§ 3-120. Enumerated
There shall be maintained in said city a board of assessors consisting of the city assessor and two legal voters of said city; a board of tax appeals normally consisting of seven legal voters of said city; a board of public works commissioners consisting of seven legal voters of said city; a board of cemetery commissioners, a board of police commissioners, a board of light commissioners, a board of fire commissioners, and a board of health, each consisting of five legal voters of said city; a board of airport commissioners consisting of four legal voters of the City of Burlington and one legal voter of the City of South Burlington, a board of park and recreation commissioners, consisting of five legal voters of said city; a board of library commissioners consisting of ten members; a board of planning commissioners, the members of such boards to be appointed by the city council with mayor presiding; a board of school commissioners consisting of fourteen legal voters of said city and of the respective wards in which they are elected; and a board of finance to be constituted as hereinafter provided.