§ 3-154. Composition
The board of finance shall be constituted as follows: The mayor shall, ex officio, be chairman of said board and together with the president of the city council, the chief administrative officer, and two additional members of the city council who shall be elected at the first meeting of the city council in April of each year and who shall serve a term of one year from the date of their election shall constitute said board of finance. Each of the additional two members elected from the city council shall be members of different political parties. The members of said board shall be trustees of public moneys for the city and shall have the powers and perform all the duties of similar officers in towns of this state; provided, however, that they shall make no investment or reinvestment of any of the cemetery endowment funds of the city without first obtaining the written approval thereof by a majority of the board of cemetery commissioners. In the absence or disability of the mayor or president of the city council the chief administrative officer shall sit as a member.