§ 3-179. Composition
The board of library commissioners shall consist of ten members. Six of such members shall be designated the public commissioners and four of such members shall be designated the trustee commissioners. Four of such public commissioners shall be appointed by the city council with mayor presiding. One public commissioner shall be the mayor or his/her designee and one public commissioner shall be an employee of the library elected by the employees thereof. The four trustee commissioners will be appointed on a self-perpetuating basis by the trustee commissioners. The term of all voting commissioners other than the mayor shall be three years and the mayor's term shall coincide with his/her term of office. The public commissioner elected from the library staff shall be elected for a one-year term. However, the initial terms of the commissioners shall be staggered. The appointment of the four public commissioners by the city council with mayor presiding shall proceed as specified in section 121 of this charter. During the first week in June, 1991, two trustee commissioners shall be appointed by the present trustees of the Fletcher Free Library for a term of three years, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of one year. Thereafter, all such appointments shall be for a term of three years commencing the first day of July following their appointment and continuing until their successors have been appointed and qualified. The four public commissioners appointed by the city council with mayor presiding must at all times be residents of the city. Neither the public commissioner elected by the library staff nor the trustee commissioners must reside in the city, but all trustee commissioners must reside within Chittenden County. In addition, the board of library commissioners may appoint not more than two additional nonvoting advisory members of the board to serve for terms which the board shall deem appropriate. A chair of the board of library commissioners and a clerk of the board shall be appointed at the first meeting in July. The clerk need not be a member of the board.