§ 4345. Optional powers and duties of regional planning commissions
Any regional planning commission created under this chapter may:
(1) Develop an inventory of the region's fire and safety facilities; hospitals, rest homes, or other facilities for aging or disabled persons; correctional facilities; and emergency shelters; and work with regulated utilities, the department of public service, the department of public safety, potential developers of distributed power facilities, adjoining regional planning commissions, interested adjoining regional entities from adjoining states, and citizens of the region to propose and evaluate alternative sites for distributed power facilities that might provide uninterrupted local or regional power at least for identified critical service providers in time of extended national, statewide, or regional power disruption or other emergency.
(2)-(5) [Repealed.]
(6) Undertake studies and make recommendations on land development, urban renewal, transportation, economic, industrial, commercial, and social development, urban beautification and design improvements, historic and scenic preservation, the conservation of energy and the development of renewable energy resources, and wetland protection.
(7) [Repealed.]
(8) Require of each municipality in its area and all state agencies such available information as relates to the work of the regional planning commission.
(9) In the performance of its functions, enter upon land, with prior approval of the landowner, to make examinations and surveys.
(10) Retain staff and consultant assistance in carrying out its duties and powers.
(11) Undertake comprehensive planning, including related preliminary planning and engineering studies.
(12) Carry out, with the cooperation of municipalities within the region, economic development programs for the appropriate development, improvement, protection, and preservation of the region's physical and human resources.
(13) Perform such other acts or functions as it may deem necessary or appropriate to fulfill the duties and obligations imposed by, and the intent and purposes of, this chapter. (Added 1967, No. 334 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. March 23, 1968; amended 1971, No. 257 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. April 11, 1972; 1979, No. 174 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 1981, No. 132 (Adj. Sess.), § 6; 1985, No. 188 (Adj. Sess.), § 8; 1987, No. 200 (Adj. Sess.), § 20, eff. July 1, 1989; 1989, No. 280 (Adj. Sess.), § 3; 2005, No. 208 (Adj. Sess.), § 9.)
Practice Areas: Criminal