§ 1931. Police officers
(a) The legislative body, and in its stead, the town manager, when appointed pursuant to chapter 37 of this title, of a municipality as defined in section 2001 of this title may establish a police department and appoint police officers and a chief of police who shall be a police officer. Such legislative body or town manager may temporarily appoint qualified persons as additional police officers when necessary, or appoint qualified persons as temporary police officers in the event no police department is established, shall specify the term and duties of such officers and may fix their compensation, which may be paid by the municipality. They shall be sworn and shall hold office during good behavior, unless sooner removed for cause, or in the case of temporary police officers, for the term specified. Such appointment, oath and removal shall be in writing and recorded in the office of the clerk of the municipality.
(b) The direction and control of the entire police force, except as otherwise provided, shall be vested in the chief of police. If the chief of police is absent or disabled, or if the office of chief of police is vacant, the appointing authority may appoint another officer to discharge the duties of the chief of police.
(c) The legislative body or town manager shall report the creation of a new police department or the elimination of an existing police department to the Vermont criminal justice training council within five working days of the creation or elimination. The report shall include the effective date of creation or elimination, the mailing address for the police department, and the name of the appointed police chief. (Amended 1969, No. 282 (Adj. Sess.), § 3 1971, No. 194 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; 2009, No. 14, § 2.)