§ 54. General powers and duties of the board
(a) The board shall adopt rules concerning:
(1) a definition of the practice of public accountancy, interpreting section 13 of this title as appropriate;
(2) qualifications for obtaining licensure, interpreting the relevant statutes as appropriate;
(3) forms approved by the secretary of state, which are to be used by the board; and
(4) explanations of appeal and other significant rights given to applicants and the public.
(b) The board may:
(1) conduct examinations and pass upon the qualifications of applicants for licensing;
(2) adopt rules of professional conduct for establishing and maintaining high standards of competence and integrity in the profession of public accounting;
(3) adopt rules establishing reasonable continuing education requirements, not to exceed 40 hours per year, and establish or approve continuing education programs to assist a licensee in meeting these requirements;
(4) investigate suspected violations of section 14 of this title and suspected unprofessional conduct;
(5) conduct hearings;
(6) issue subpoenas and administer oaths in connection with any authorized investigation or hearing;
(7) take or cause depositions to be taken as needed in any investigation or hearing before it;
(8) receive legal assistance from the secretary of state's office and from the attorney general;
(9) seek and obtain injunctions to restrain violations of section 14 of this title or unprofessional conduct;
(10) cooperate with licensing and regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions to investigate suspected violations of section 14 of this title and suspected unprofessional conduct; and
(11) adopt rules regarding peer reviews that may be required to be performed under this chapter.
(c) The board annually may submit a proposed budget to the secretary of state. (Amended 1975, No. 89, § 4; 1981, No. 161 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; 1985, No. 257 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; 1991, No. 167 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 1997, No. 145 (Adj. Sess.), § 31; 2001, No. 129 (Adj. Sess.), § 8; eff. June 13, 2002; 2007, No. 29, § 9.)