§ 1181. License and specialty certificates
(a) Upon determining that an applicant is qualified for initial licensure under section 1182 of this title in one or more specialties, the board shall issue a license certificate and a specialty certificate to the applicant. Upon determining that an existing licensee is qualified under section 1182 in an additional specialty, the board shall issue a revised specialty certificate to the licensee.
(b) A license certificate shall have indefinite duration, but shall be valid only so long as the licensee has a currently valid specialty certificate. License certificates are the property of licensees, but they shall be returned to the board if the license is revoked or suspended and may be destroyed if the license is revoked.
(c) Specialty certificates issued under this chapter shall be renewed biennially upon payment of the required fee.
(d) When it issues a specialty certificate, the board shall also issue a pocket card which shall expire on the same day.
(e) Each specialty certificate and each pocket card shall show their expiration date, and shall also show all specialty areas in which the holder has been certified by the board.
(f) If a licensee has a principal place of business, the license certificate and specialty certificate shall be prominently displayed there. (Added 1983, No. 188 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; amended 1993, No. 108 (Adj. Sess.), § 4.)