§ 2079. Emergency contraception protocol and education program
(a) The department of health, in collaboration with the board of pharmacy and other appropriate organizations, shall develop a standard protocol and procedures, by rule pursuant to chapter 25 of Title 3, for initiating and dispensing emergency contraception by pharmacists pursuant to this subchapter. The protocol and procedures shall include the minimum standards required to be contained in the protocol between the pharmacist and the physician or other prescriber, a standard informed consent form to be signed by the patient using the emergency contraception, the appropriate information to be provided to the patient using the emergency contraception, information needed by the pharmacist prior to dispensing emergency contraception, appropriate referrals, sensitive communication with and protection of the needs of vulnerable individuals, privacy considerations, necessary forms, and any documentation requirements.
(b) Prior to dispensing emergency contraception authorized by this subchapter, a pharmacist shall complete an emergency contraception education and training program delivered by an entity authorized by a national council on pharmaceutical education or another training program approved by the board of pharmacy. The training program shall include information on conducting sensitive communications, quality assurance, referral to appropriate community and medical services, and documentation requirements, if any. (Added 2005, No. 101 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)