§ 2601. Renewals
(a) Licenses shall be renewed every two years upon payment of the renewal fee.
(b) Biennially, the board shall forward a renewal form to each licensee. Upon receipt of the completed form and the renewal fee, the board shall issue a new license.
(c) A license which has lapsed for a period of three years or less may be renewed upon application and payment of the renewal fee and the late penalty fee.
(d) As a condition of renewal, the board shall require that a licensee establish that he or she has completed continuing education, as approved by the board not to exceed 15 hours for each year of renewal.
(e) The board may renew the license of an individual whose license has lapsed for more than three years upon payment of the required fee, and the late renewal penalty, provided the individual has satisfied all the requirements for renewal, including continuing education. (Added 1993, No. 108 (Adj. Sess.), § 11.)