§ 273. Exemptions
The provisions of this chapter regulating barbers and cosmetologists shall not:
(1) affect or prevent the practice of barbering or cosmetology by a student at a school recognized by the board;
(2) limit or restrict in any manner the right of a practitioner of another licensed profession or occupation from carrying on in the usual manner any of the functions incidental to that profession or occupation;
(3) prohibit a licensee from providing barbering or cosmetology services outside a licensed shop so long as those services are limited to only:
(A) patients or residents within a hospital, nursing home, community care home, or any similar facility;
(B) persons who are homebound, disabled, in a hospice or similar program, or to deceased persons in a funeral home;
(C) persons as part of a special occasion event so long as those services are limited to hair styling and makeup and the sanitation standards expected of licensees in licensed shops are followed;
(4) affect or prevent individuals from serving as make-up artists or hairdressers in the theatrical and performing arts industries;
(5) affect or prevent the practice of barbering or cosmetology outside a registered shop or school by licensees in accordance with rules adopted by the board. (Added 1997, No. 40, § 16; amended 2005, No. 27, § 20; 2007, No. 163 (Adj. Sess.), § 6a.)