§ 3208. Renewals
(a) Licenses shall be renewed every two years upon payment of the required fee.
(b) An application for renewal of a license which has lapsed shall be accompanied by the renewal fee in addition to the reinstatement fee. A person shall not be required to pay renewal fees for the years during which the license was lapsed.
(c) The director may, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, revoke a person's right to renew his or her license if such license has lapsed for five years.
(d) As a condition of renewal, a licensee shall complete continuing education, approved by the director by rule, during the preceding two-year period. For purposes of this subsection, the director may require, by rule, not more than 20 hours of approved continuing social work education as a condition of renewal. (Added 1985, No. 253 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1989, No. 250 (Adj. Sess.), § 4(d); 1993, No. 98, § 28; 1999, No. 52, § 28.)