§ 3296. Renewals
(a) Licenses shall be renewed every two years upon payment of the renewal fee.
(b) Biennially, the director shall forward a renewal form to each licensee. Upon receipt of the completed form and the renewal fee, the director shall issue a new license.
(c) A license which has lapsed for a period of three years or less may be renewed upon application and payment of the renewal fee and the reinstatement fee. The director may make such rules as may be reasonably necessary for the protection of the public to assure the director that an applicant for reinstatement under this subsection is professionally qualified.
(d) As a condition of renewal, the director may require that licensees establish that they have satisfied continuing education requirements established by the director, by rule. (Added 1989, No. 60, § 1; amended 1989, No. 250 (Adj. Sess.), § 4(d).)